COVID-19 Precautions



  1. Temperature screening for all residents or doctors at Medanta Lucknow Hospital.
  2. Hand sanitizer to be given by security personal for all incoming people at the Security gate.
  3. All incoming people should wear Face Mask Compulsory.
  4. Wiping of elevators, handrails & common surfaces with disinfectant.
  5. Hand Wash soap liquid to all common area hand wash sink.
  6. Hand sanitizer to be placed in Lobby / Cafe & Common areas.
  7. Masks for security personnel at the gate & gloves for the housekeeping staffs.
  8. All housekeeping and security staff well aware about Covid 19 precautions measures.
  9. Visitors should be allowed with Reference of in-house residents only (prior intimations).
  10. Visitor Pass has to be given to all incoming visitors – Same has to be maintained at Security register for monitoring.
  11. Reduced group activities for kids.
  12. Common Areas like Indoor Games / Movie Screening / Outdoor games remain closed until further notice.
  13. New Check in’s residents travel history has to be collected at front office -Compulsory without fail.
  14. Incoming Guest luggage’s has to be isolate for 03 hours at Security gate.
  15. All in house residents details has to be update & readily available in front office.
  16. Entry and exit of all individuals must be entered in a register at security gate and same has to be recorded in CCTV.
  17. Front office team to collect proper details of all incoming residents as per Check in forms / Occupations forms (KYC).
  18. Maintain Social Distances.

An ID Proof from each of the following 3 categories is mandatory.

1. Photo ID Proof (mandatory)

  • Aadhar Card.

2. Permanent Address Proof (mandatory)

Any one of the following is acceptable:

    • Driver’s License
    • Voter’s ID
    • Passport

3. Police Verification ID (mandatory)

This is required if you are coming via a Institute or Company:

  • College Id Card for a Student
  • Staff Id Card for an Employee
  • Business Card for an Entrepreneur
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