COVID-19 Precautions

- Temperature screening for all residents or doctors at Medanta Lucknow Hospital.
- Hand sanitizer to be given by security personal for all incoming people at the Security gate.
- All incoming people should wear Face Mask Compulsory.
- Wiping of elevators, handrails & common surfaces with disinfectant.
- Hand Wash soap liquid to all common area hand wash sink.
- Hand sanitizer to be placed in Lobby / Cafe & Common areas.
- Masks for security personnel at the gate & gloves for the housekeeping staffs.
- All housekeeping and security staff well aware about Covid 19 precautions measures.
- Visitors should be allowed with Reference of in-house residents only (prior intimations).
- Visitor Pass has to be given to all incoming visitors – Same has to be maintained at Security register for monitoring.
- Reduced group activities for kids.
- Common Areas like Indoor Games / Movie Screening / Outdoor games remain closed until further notice.
- New Check in’s residents travel history has to be collected at front office -Compulsory without fail.
- Incoming Guest luggage’s has to be isolate for 03 hours at Security gate.
- All in house residents details has to be update & readily available in front office.
- Entry and exit of all individuals must be entered in a register at security gate and same has to be recorded in CCTV.
- Front office team to collect proper details of all incoming residents as per Check in forms / Occupations forms (KYC).
- Maintain Social Distances.
An ID Proof from each of the following 3 categories is mandatory.
1. Photo ID Proof (mandatory)
- Aadhar Card.
2. Permanent Address Proof (mandatory)
Any one of the following is acceptable:
- Driver’s License
- Voter’s ID
- Passport
3. Police Verification ID (mandatory)
This is required if you are coming via a Institute or Company:
- College Id Card for a Student
- Staff Id Card for an Employee
- Business Card for an Entrepreneur